Activism Projects
Empowering individuals to inspire change through writing and unity.
Racial Equality
Join us in advocating for organizations like Black Lives Matter and more.
Women's Rights and Feminist Issues
Fighting back against the loss of rights including reproductive rights, voting rights, and more.
LGBTQAI+ Activism
Addressing the issues facing the LGBTQAI+ community and the struggles they are currently facing.
Transgender Issues
Taking on the difficult subject of the erasure of transgender people and the reduction in their rights.
Mental Health Activism
Advocating and calling for betterment of mental health services and accessibility to those in need.
Disability Activism
Take on the fight for disability equality and accessible services and funding for those who need it.
Religious Freedom
Taking the concept of religious freedom seriously, we're advocating to make sure we have the liberty to practice as we wish.
Immigration Activism
No human is illegal. Talking about how changes can be made in the world of immigration.
Get Involved
Join us in the fight for freedom and unity today.
Empowering voices to inspire change through writing.
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Website designed by Beverly L. Anderson
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